A continuación se muestran las publicaciones en revistas del grupo de los últimos 5 años, para consultar publicaciones anteriores acceda al histórico de publicaciones en revistas.
- Impulsive and Compulsive Reading Comprehension in the Prison Population
- DOI:
- Bmc Psychiatry vol. 24 num. 45
- Muñoz, Lucas / Serrano, Francisca / López-Torrecillas, María del Carmen / Sánchez-Barrera, Maria Blasa / Martin-Tamayo, Ignacio / Lopez-Torrecillas, Francisca
- -I-M Not Only a Body-: Change in Thoughts About the Body After Mirror Exposure Treatment in Women with Obesity-An Exploratory Study
- DOI:
- Healthcare vol. 12 num. 6 (pags 624 - )
- González, Cristina / Jiménez , José Manuel / Rodríguez-Ruiz, Sonia / Mata-Martin, Jose Luis
- The Role of White Matter Variability in Tms Neuromodulatory Effects
- DOI: 10.1016/j.brs.2024.11.006
- Brain Stimulation vol. 17 num. 6 (pags 1265 - 1276)
- Martín-Signes, Mar / Rodríguez-San Esteban, Pablo / Narganes-Pineda, Cristina / Caracuel, A. / Mata-Martin, Jose Luis / Martín-Arévalo-, Elisa / Chica-Martínez, Ana Belén
- Impact of Substance Use and Gender-Based Violence on Mental Health and Decision-Making under Risk and under Ambiguity: Insights from the Iowa Gambling Task in Incarcerated Populations
- DOI: 10.18537/mskn.15.02.07
- Maskana vol. 15 (pags 111 - 130)
- Miranda, Azahara Leonor / Mata-Martin, Jose Luis
- Variaciones en la Respuesta Cardiovascular ante Ganancias Monetarias durante la Ejecución de la Iowa Gambling Task en Población Sana
- DOI: 10.25115/kasp.v5i4/10319
- Know and Share Psychology
- Miranda, Azahara Leonor / Mata-Martin, Jose Luis
- A Partner'S Smile Is Not Per Se a Safety Signal: Psychophysiological Response Patterns to Instructed Threat and Safety
- DOI:
- Psychophysiology vol. 60 num. 6 (pags e14273 - )
- Morato, Cristina / Guerra-Muñoz, Pedro María / Bublatzky, Florian
- Food Addiction Correlates with Emotional and Craving Reactivity to Industrially Prepared (Ultra-Processed) and Home-Cooked (Processed) Foods But Not Unprocessed Or Minimally Processed Foods
- DOI: 10.1016/j.foodqual.2023.104961
- Food Quality and Preference vol. 110 (pags 104961 - )
- Delgado-Rodríguez, Rafael Francisco / Moreno-Padilla, Maria / Moreno-Dominguez, Silvia / Cepeda-Benito, Antonio
- Cardiac Sensitivity to Rewards in Cognitively Inflexible Nonclinical Participants
- DOI: 10.7717/peerj.15318
- Peerj - the Journal of Life & Environmental Sciences
- Mata-Martin, Jose Luis / Miranda, Azahara Leonor / Lopez-Torrecillas, Francisca / Miccoli-, Laura
- The Lgbtq+ People-Animal Bond: a Systematic Review of the Effects of Companion Animals on Lgbtq+ People
- DOI: 10.1080/00918369.2022.2150920
- Journal of Homosexuality
- Díaz-Videla, Marcos / Delgado-Rodríguez, Rafael Francisco / Martos-Montes, Rafael / Ordóñez-Pérez, David / Calvo, Paula
- A Dog Accompanying a Man Makes Social Threatening Contexts Less Aversive and Enhances Perceived Safety Regardless of Societal Safety Levels
- DOI: 10.1080/08927936.2023.2280375
- Anthrozoös vol. 2023 (pags 1 - 23)
- Delgado-Rodríguez, Rafael Francisco / Gantiva, Carlos / Linares, Rocío
- Actitudes y Conocimiento sobre la Intervención Asistida con Animales entre Profesionales de la Educación
- Aula Abierta vol. 52 num. 2 (pags 139 - 146)
- Martos-Montes, Rafael / Díaz-Sánchez, Eugenia / López-Cepero-Borrego, Javier / Delgado-Rodríguez, Rafael Francisco / Ordóñez-Pérez , David
- Emotional Processing of Math-Related Words in People with Math Anxiety
- DOI:
- Anxiety, Stress, and Coping (pags 1 - 17)
- Linares, Rocío / Pelegrina-Lopez, Santiago / Delgado-Rodríguez, Rafael Francisco
- Tonic Pain Reduces Autonomic Responses and Eeg Functional Connectivity Elicited by Affective Stimuli
- DOI:
- Psychophysiology
- Alba, Guzmán / Vila-Castellar, Jaime / García-Vivas Miranda, José / Montoya, Pedro / Muñoz-García, Miguel Ángel
- Eeg-Heart Rate Connectivity Changes After Sensorimotor Rhythm Neurofeedback Training: Ancillary Study
- DOI:
- Neurophysiologie Clinique vol. 52 num. 1 (pags 58 - 68)
- Alba, Guzmán / Terrasa, Juan L. / Vila-Castellar, Jaime / Montoya, Pedro / Muñoz-García, Miguel Ángel
- Food Addiction Symptoms Are Related to Neuroaffective Responses to Preferred Binge Food and Erotic Cues
- DOI:
- Appetite
- Delgado-Rodríguez, Rafael Francisco / Guerra-Muñoz, Pedro María / Fernández-Santaella-Santiago, Mª Carmen / Miccoli-, Laura
- Moderating Effect of Changes in Perceived Social Support During Pregnancy on the Emotional Health of Mothers and Fathers and on Baby-S Anthropometric Parameters at Birth
- DOI: 10.3390/children9050648
- Children vol. 9 (pags 648 - )
- Castelar, María Josefa / De los Santos-Roig, Macarena / Robles-Ortega, Humbelina / Diaz-Lopez, Miguel Angel / Maldonado-Lozano, Jose / Bellido-González, Mercedes
- I Look at My Whole Body and I Feel Better: Attentional Bias, Emotional and Psychophysiological Response by Pure Exposure Treatment in Women with Obesity
- DOI: 10.1080/10503307.2021.2021310
- Psychotherapy Research vol. 32 (pags 1 - 15)
- González, Cristina / Díaz-Ferrer, Sandra / Aristizabal-Cuellar, Jose Alejandro / Mata-Martin, Jose Luis / Rodríguez-Ruiz, Sonia
- Preliminary Study on Emotional Competence in Adults with Down Syndrome
- DOI: 10.1080/1034912X.2020.1840532
- International Journal of Disability, Development and Education vol. 69 num. 6 (pags 2136 - 2154)
- Robles-Bello, Maria Auxiliadora / Sanchez-Teruel, David / Valencia-Naranjo, Nieves / Delgado-Rodríguez, Rafael Francisco
- Social Network Addiction Symptoms and Body Dissatisfaction in Young Women: Exploring the Mediating Role of Awareness of Appearance Pressure and Internalization of the Thin Ideal
- DOI:
- Journal of Eating Disorders vol. 10 num. 117
- Delgado-Rodríguez, Rafael Francisco / Linares, Rocío / Moreno-Padilla, Maria
- The Role of Dogs in Modulating Human Affective Reactivity and Sense of Safety in Emotional Urban Public Spaces
- DOI:
- Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research vol. 55-56 (pags 12 - 22)
- Delgado-Rodríguez, Rafael Francisco / Carriquí-Madroñal, Raquel / Vázquez-Villalba, Cecilia / Martos-Montes, Rafael / Ordóñez-Pérez, David
- Dogs Can Enhance Social Perceptions: the Influence of Dogs on Women-S Perceptions of Safety in Emotional Contexts
- DOI: 10.1080/08927936.2022.2141968
- Anthrozoös
- Delgado-Rodríguez, Rafael Francisco / Mena -Cabrera, Paula / Ordóñez-Pérez, David / Martos-Montes, Rafael
- Writing Abilities in Compulsive Prisoners.
- DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.701941
- Frontiers in Psychology vol. 12 (pags 701941 - )
- Muñoz, Lucas / Lopez-Torrecillas, Francisca / Martin-Tamayo, Ignacio / Sánchez-Barrera, Maria Blasa / López-Torrecillas, M.D,C / Serrano, Francisca
- Emotional Assessment in Spanish Youths with Antisocial Behavior
- DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.671851
- Frontiers in Psychology vol. 12 (pags 12:671851 - 12:671851)
- Garcia-Garcia, Juan / Gil-Fenoy, María José / Sánchez-Barrera, Maria Blasa / De la Fuente-Sánchez, Mª Leticia / Ortega-Campos, Elena María / Zaldívar-Basurto, Maria Flor / Carmona-Samper, María Encarnación
- Play in Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Psychometric Properties of a Parent Report Measure `My Child-S Play-.
- DOI: 10.3390/children8010025
- Children vol. 8 num. 25 (pags 1 - 14)
- Romero-Ayuso, Dulce / Ruiz-Salcedo, M / Triviño Juárez, José Matías / Muñoz-García, Miguel Ángel
- Verbal Threat Learning Does Not Spare Loved Ones
- DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-84921-3
- Scientific Reports vol. 11 num. 1
- Morato, Cristina / Guerra-Muñoz, Pedro María / Bublatzky, Florian
- Matter in Emotion Research: Spanish Standardization of An Affective Image Set
- DOI:
- Behavior Research Methods vol. 10 marzo num. 53 (pags 1973 - 1985)
- Ruiz-Padial, Elisabeth / Pastor, Carmen / Mercado, Francisco / Mata-Martin, Jose Luis / Garcia-Leon, Ana Maria
- Brain Asymmetry in Pain Affective Modulation
- DOI:
- Pain Medicine
- L de O-Toutain, Thaise Graziele / Alba, Guzmán / García-Vivas Miranda, José / Silva-Do Rosario, Raphael / Muñoz-García, Miguel Ángel / Pondé-De Sena, Eduardo
- Predictors of Music Performance Anxiety in Conservatory Students
- DOI:
- Psychology of Music
- Lupiáñez , Mariola
- Sympathetic Contributions to Habituation and Recovery of the Cardiac Defense Response
- DOI:
- Biological Psychology num. 151 (pags 1 - 8)
- Garrido, Alba / Rodríguez-Árbol, Javier / Vila-Castellar, Jaime / Mata-Martin, Jose Luis
- Cardiac Defense Reactivity and Cognitive Flexibility in High- and Low-Resilience Women. Psychophysiology
- DOI:
- Psychophysiology vol. 57 num. 11
- Otero, Julia / Muñoz-García, Miguel Ángel / Fernández-Santaella-Santiago, Mª Carmen / Verdejo-García, Antonio / Sánchez-Barrera, Maria Blasa
- Watch Out, He- S Dangerous! Electrocortical Indicators of Selective Visual Attention to Allegedly Threatening Persons
- Cortex: a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior vol. 131 (pags 164 - 178)
- Bublatzky, Florian / Guerra-Muñoz, Pedro María / Alpers, Georg